Visit to TNO’s Faraday lab

On 3 April, together with A. Gosh and E. Craye, we visited TNO’s Faraday lab. Located in Peten, the Faraday lab is a very singular facility. In it, TNO tests several types of electrolysers to enable the upscaling of this technology. We were impressed by the excellent work that is done there and the outstanding […]

Starting as Assistant Professor at TU Delft

Since December 2023, I have been appointed Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft. I am very excited to take on this new challenge in my career and I would like to thank all the mentors, supervisors and students that contributed to my career. My research plans spin around the study […]

Visit to Battolyser Systems

Last Friday, as part of Willem Haverkort’s group, I had the opportunity to visit the facilities of Battolyser Systems. The visit included a presentation about the activities of our group by Willem, an overview of the Battolyser technology, and a visit to the factory and test facilities. The Battolyser technology combines in a very singular […]

Attendance to the 13th ESEE – Toulouse 26-29 June 2023

I am on my way to the 13th European Symposium on Electrochemical Engineering. Ahead are 4 days of exciting and vivid exchanges with colleagues from the electrochemical community. I have been involved in a couple of talks that we will present at the conference. As usual, we look at the impact of bubbles in electrolyzers. […]

Awarded grant to explore new design of electrolyzer

The NWO has decided to award my project CADFE: Capillary-Assisted DownFlow Electrolyzer. Through the ENW-XS program, the project has been granted 50.000 EUR to explore the design of a new electrolyzer for water electrolysis. The new design is based on bringing two electrodes close together, such that they hold a falling film flowing in between. […]

Visited two high schools to promote STEM disciplines

On April 12, I gave two conferences at two high schools in Cerdanyola del Vallès. During my visits to IES Banús and IES Forat del Vent, I introduced students to my research and shared with them my academic journal. The talks were entitled: “Horitzons de recerca STEM: CAT-CAL-NL” (STEM research horizons: CAT-CAL-NL) and were targetted […]

Accepted paper to Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flows

I am happy to share that, together with Roel Verstappen, our paper “Conservation of energy in the DNS of interface-resolved multiphase flows” has been finally accepted for the special issue of Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flows. The paper was specially invited for publication after last year’s 18th Multiphase Flow and Short Conference organized by HZDR […]

Attendance at the ECCM conference

Last week I attended the ElectroChemical Conversion and Materials* Conference in Den Haag, The Netherlands. The event was organized by the Dutch Research Council and its goal is to gather together researchers both from academia and industry. The conference was held on Friday 24 June 2022 at The Hague Conference Center and contained insightful keynotes […]