On 3 April, together with A. Gosh and E. Craye, we visited TNO’s Faraday lab. Located in Peten, the Faraday lab is a very singular facility. In it, TNO tests several types of electrolysers to enable the upscaling of this technology. We were impressed by the excellent work that is done there and the outstanding quality of the experimental setups.

The visit served Anamika and Emile to get trained in the use of an AEM electrolysis cell that TNO is lending us. Within our partnership, TNO and TU Delft we are exploring the development of new electrode geometries, which we will test in such a cell. Apart from the training and the exchange of experiences in the lab, the meeting also served to explore future collaborations in other fields like PEM and AWE.

Thanks to Jordi Creus for organizing and hosting the visit.

Overview of the Faraday lab. From left to right: N. Valle, E. Caye and A. Gosh