Attendance to ECCOMAS 2022

Last week I attended the ECCOMAS 2022 conference in Oslo, Norway. I had the opportunity to meet with colleagues around the world working on numerical methods. It was very nice to be back in a fully in-person conference: certainly, the level of discussion and socializing that in-person interaction offer is much higher than any of […]

Awarded the Seal of Excellence by the EU MSCA program

My proposal “TBGreen: Turbulent bubbly flows for a greener industry”, which was submitted to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions within the EU’s Horizon Europe program has been awarded the Seal of Excellence. In this way, the Comission acknowledges the “high-quality of the proposal in a highly competitive evaluation process”. However, since t it could not receive […]

New appointment at TU Delft

As of today, I am starting a new position as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Willem Haverkort’s group at TU Delft. In the context of the Better Electrodes for Water Electrolysis project, I will be involved in the design of new electrodes for the optimization of alkaline water electrolyzers by means of numerical simulations. The […]

Next attendance at the 18th Multiphase Flow Short Course and Conference

I am pleased to announce that, our paper on the Conservation of energy in the Direct Numerical Simulation of multiphase flows has been accepted to the upcoming 18th Multiphase Flow and Short Course and Conference organized by the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf. The conference will be held between 8-12 November 2021 and will be online. […]

MiniSimposium at the upcoming ECCOMAS 2022 Oslo

I am pleased to announce that, together with my colleagues F.X. Trias (UPC), F. Capuano (Politecnico di Bari), G. Coppola (U. Napoli “Federico II”) and R.W.C.P. Verstappen, we will be organizing the mini symposium entitled “Discrete conservation properties for fluid flows: from fundamentals to applications” in the upcoming ECCOMAS conference. Our goal is to gather […]

Attendance at the 13th International ERCOFTAC symposium on engineering, turbulence, modelling and measurements, Rhodes. Greece.

Happy to share that our conference paper entitled “Symmetry-preserving discretizations in unstructured staggered meshes” was accepted at the upcoming 13th International Symposium on Engineering, Turbulence, Modelling and Measurements to be held in Rhodes, Greece. together with professors Verstappen and Trias. In it we discuss how to construct staggered discretizations by reusing readily available collocated ones, […]